Ethernet Connection

Why an Ethernet connection is better for you

With the world moving on to Wifi connections, the more tradional Ethernet connection is losing its importance. But we disagree! Read on to know more. You might not be able to connect your smartphone to an Ethernet cable, but can you compare the speed of the Internet on your cable-connected laptop to that on your Read more about Why an Ethernet connection is better for you[…]

The Evolution of Internet

The Evolution of Internet

Call it the bane or the boon of modern society, the evolution of Internet has been nothing but exciting for all involved. Genesis of TCP/IP In the late 1960s, the Internet was nothing but an experiment set up by the U.S. Department of Defense ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency, now known as DARPA). The experiment Read more about The Evolution of Internet[…]

Protect network

Three ways to protect your Wifi connection from hackers

Stopping hackers from stealing your internet connection could be impossible, but you can certainly make it more difficult for them by following some simple steps.   The world is full of freeloaders, and when it comes to your internet connection, there are quite a many miscreants out there who are waiting to mooch off of Read more about Three ways to protect your Wifi connection from hackers[…]

Wifi Speed Fluctuation

Why does the wifi router speed fluctuate so much

Fluctuating router speed has the potential to drive us helplessly crazy. Read on to find out how you can make your online life better by fixing this problem.   One minute you are streaming a video online and the next you are unable to even get your Instagram speed. What happened to make such a Read more about Why does the wifi router speed fluctuate so much[…]

Is a speed test required on your broadband

Slow-crawling internet or lightening-speed internet, if you have an internet connection, you know that you have no control over the speed. But can you know it? Read on to find out. Even if you have invested in the highest bandwidth of your broadband connection, be truthful to us and admit that there have been times Read more about Is a speed test required on your broadband[…]


How important a role does a router play in internet speed?

Slow internet connections is one of the few annoying things that can rile up even the mildest of personalities. Whether it is trying to finish off some pending work you brought back home from the office or just browsing through your Facebook feed to see who’s friend is doing what, a slow internet speed has Read more about How important a role does a router play in internet speed?[…]

difference between internet and wifi

Wifi and Internet: What is the difference?

You think that Wifi and the Internet are the same thing until and unless someone happens to ask you the question. It’s only then that your head starts working in that direction. Don’t worry, you ain’t alone! We’ve all been there, faced that! While we know that there has to be a difference, surely they Read more about Wifi and Internet: What is the difference?[…]