Most Common home Wi-Fi Problems

Most Common Home Wifi Problems and How to fix them

Both Internet speeds and Wi-Fi have increased considerably in recent years. The data rates around the board are higher and the wireless networks are more efficient than ever. Home Wi-Fi connection is readily accessible for playing music, watching our favorite shows, and enabling us to work from home, that we never think of fixing it Read more about Most Common Home Wifi Problems and How to fix them[…]

Secure and Protect Your Wi-Fi Router

How to Secure and Protect Your Wi-Fi Router

It’s important to feel like the Internet is a necessary requirement for 21st-century life. We have the unimaginable functional ability with all of our devices connected to the Internet which leads to higher productivity. It’s fair to assume that the Internet is for everybody and not just the tech-savvy. Unfortunately, the Internet can be a Read more about How to Secure and Protect Your Wi-Fi Router[…]

Best Internet Speed Testing Tools

Best Tools to Test Internet Speed

Are you having difficulties with lagging internet speeds or interested in knowing how your internet provider actually works? Actually it’s hard to ascertain how fast your internet speed is without using an exact test. Top-quality internet speed tests will rapidly and effortlessly open up any confusion. Best Internet Speed Testing Tools Read the following internet Read more about Best Tools to Test Internet Speed[…]

what is bandwidth?

What Is Bandwidth? How to know your Bandwidth Speed Needs?

Do you get confused about Internet speed? Do you shake your brain while listening to the term bandwidth?  No worries because you ‘re not alone. There is uncertainty among others about Internet speed. We usually don’t know what the internet speed is, how it functions, and why it should be paid for. But it is Read more about What Is Bandwidth? How to know your Bandwidth Speed Needs?[…]

Mobile VS Desktop Internet Usage Statistics 2020

Mobile vs Desktop Internet Usage Statistics 2020

Mobile vs desktop fight is one of the things on the network that happen at the highest percentage. We have to dig at the actual statistics before we follow any expert opinions on this subject. From the reports loaded with data, one can easily identify the argument, globally, that mobile devices take over desktops in Read more about Mobile vs Desktop Internet Usage Statistics 2020[…]

internet working so slow

Why is the Internet working so slow?

What’s more frustrating than a slow Internet speed when you are having a great connection to wifi or Internet? I think nothing. Nothing is more disturbing than this. It usually happens to you too and you might do everything possible to speed up your connection. Although most people encounter slow internet either at home or Read more about Why is the Internet working so slow?[…]

Ethernet Connection

Why an Ethernet connection is better for you

With the world moving on to Wifi connections, the more tradional Ethernet connection is losing its importance. But we disagree! Read on to know more. You might not be able to connect your smartphone to an Ethernet cable, but can you compare the speed of the Internet on your cable-connected laptop to that on your Read more about Why an Ethernet connection is better for you[…]

The Evolution of Internet

The Evolution of Internet

Call it the bane or the boon of modern society, the evolution of Internet has been nothing but exciting for all involved. Genesis of TCP/IP In the late 1960s, the Internet was nothing but an experiment set up by the U.S. Department of Defense ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency, now known as DARPA). The experiment Read more about The Evolution of Internet[…]

Protect network

Three ways to protect your Wifi connection from hackers

Stopping hackers from stealing your internet connection could be impossible, but you can certainly make it more difficult for them by following some simple steps.   The world is full of freeloaders, and when it comes to your internet connection, there are quite a many miscreants out there who are waiting to mooch off of Read more about Three ways to protect your Wifi connection from hackers[…]