Ways to Check if a Website is Secure or Not

Every site holder should be responsible for maintaining the protection of their users, but sadly some websites are simply not safe. An unsafe website can distribute malware, steal data, send spam, and more.

The Anti-Hacking feature prevents malicious websites and alerts you about the purpose of a website so that you will not be entering any personal information. It’ll ensure you’re never vulnerable to phishing attacks. Nevertheless, knowing when a website isn’t safe is always helpful, too, in case you still tap on one.

To protect yourself and your personal details, it is important to know that your protection is taken seriously by a website.

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  • Identify their Trust Seal

When you notice an icon with “Safe” or “Confirmed” words it is probably a seal of trust. A seal of trust means the website is collaborating with a security partner. These seals are also an indication of a site having HTTPS protection, but they may also suggest other security features, such as the date since the last malware scan on the site.

While 79 percent of online shoppers hope to see a trust seal, it’s not enough to have the seal present. Actually, it is important to confirm that the badge is valid. Luckily, it is simple to do just click on the badge and see if it will bring you to a page of verification.

This ensures that the site operates for that specific security company. Doing your own homework on the organization that produces the badge doesn’t hurt, either!

  • Check the Website Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for a website should fully explain how the website gathers, uses, and protects your data. And almost all websites will have one, as the data protection laws mandate them in countries such as Australia and Canada, and even more, strict regulations have been implemented in the EU.

A privacy policy demonstrates that the website owner is concerned to comply with the rules and to ensure their website is secure. Be sure to search for one before giving your details to a web site, and read it through.

  • The URL is Not Correct

If a website needs your personal details genuinely, the URL should begin with an “https:/.” If this does not start the website you need to connect to but usually, it does. So believe it is a scam.

  • Double-check the URL

Using a website with an encrypted link is no support when you’re not on the site you wanted to load. Lately, we spoke about spam emerging and other modern top-level domains that use a modern version of an old trick to drag you into a malware pit.

Major search engines function hard to prevent you from being sent to unsafe sites, but by pressing on a connection, particularly in a spam email, you might possibly end up on a bad site.

So make sure, when you’re searching for the button, that you’re really on the site you want to be on.

  • Don’t believe in “trust” badges

Typically trust badges or “seals” of trust occur on shopping or e-commerce pages in an effort to show faith. Just a few examples of trust seals that you might see while shopping.

Now, these are used by some legal sites. No, they aren’t hard to install either. These icons are easily copied and pasted by loads of pages, without any real protection to hold them back. In fact, there are several articles out there that advise e-commerce sites to create their own seals of trust to maximize sales.

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