The growing use of the internet and social media has altered the way connect, maintain relationships, work, and function. Although there are people who would believe that the internet and social media use has made people more unsociable by pulling them away from the real world, investing a lot of their time hidden behind devices.
Some people also think that the advent of internet use in the twenty-first century has improved friendships.
We are all born with an instinct to contact. We further learn by communicating with others, and by sharing our thoughts and emotions. After all, we are social animals.
We live right now at the height of a global technological revolution. We can experience the development of the internet trend from the horizon and understanding its revolutionary effects.
It has not only created improved communication mediums, but also made the entire communication process quicker, easier, and cost-effective. It has turned the planet into an integrated global village, where an area can connect in a couple of seconds to another situated on the opposite side.
Let’s look at what each of the most commonly used social media has done to our modern way of interacting, and how can you incorporate them in the marketing strategies for higher education.
Also Read: How did the Internet change the way we learn?
Social Media Platforms for Communication Purposes
Here are the main social media platforms for communication purposes:
Facebook should still be a top priority for higher education marketers, with 2.01 billion monthly active users and 88 percent of 18-29-year old using this site. This platform is a leader in the cultural world today. Enabling people to communicate with others, from their best friends to family members, and sharing honest opinions, photos, videos, forums, and links.
In addition to Facebook messenger, a whole new world of customer support and digital marketing has also started opening.
Getting a webchat in a world where customers want answers will be a great advantage for your company. Even though this is not the most intimate way to connect with your clients, it provides them with a perfect way to get their inquiries answered rapidly.
Say a potential new client is searching your website and they want to inquire how easily you can offer anything to them. Rather than spending the time to call in and ask this question, they may simply stay on your site and send a request on the webchat.
It is a fast-paced platform, allowing users to quickly exchange information in 140 characters or less.
With 328 million monthly users and 36 percent of 18-29-year old using this site, targeting future students may seem like the next best path. However, take into account that almost 79 percent of Twitter accounts are based outside of the United States. If this does not impact the plan for digital marketing then Twitter can still be a valuable site.
Just note the hashtag is the most significant part of Twitter marketing.
With these points, you must have a clear idea of how the internet changes the way we Communicate. Social media may appear as a smaller business channel but it provides a perfect way to expand customer relations. Apart from delivering mass, impersonal letters, or reading on the phone from a script, you can add a little empathy and have some fun with your people.