speed for online gaming

How Much Speed You Need for Online Gaming

For most advanced consoles and PCs, the minimum internet speed for gaming varies from 3 Mbps (megabits per second) to 6 Mbps. But if you’d like a smooth video game experience with no delay next to it, you’ll need to be in the area of 15–20 Mbps. You might know the difference between surviving a Read more about How Much Speed You Need for Online Gaming[…]


What is Mbps and how much do you need?

If you’ve purchased an internet service provider, you’ve definitely seen the word “Mbps.” You’ve also probably found that the greater Mbps, the higher the price. You must be thinking why this happens? What really Mbps is, and how many you need? Mbps is megabits per second, which is a means of calculating a network’s capacity Read more about What is Mbps and how much do you need?[…]